Sunday, October 2, 2016

QHHT session with NIna - Life at the bottom of the ocean / Violet Flame healing of cancer

Nina is a lovely lady from Poland who suffered a colon cancer and had to have an operation resulting in a stoma bag. She wanted to have a session to make sure that cancer doesn’t return and she was convinced that the QHHT session would do that for her.  Her English wasn’t so good and she asked if her friend could be present during the session to help with any translations if needed. It was all experimental and I wasn’t sure if it would work or not, but it worked quite well. Maybe due to the fact that her friend Aldona had a very successful session with me few days earlier where she also received a wonderful healing. As it appears, we didn’t need Aldona’s help as Nina understood everything and was able to communicate.
As I took her into the trance state, she experienced her special place to be a cave where there were lots of candles but she couldn’t see anything more than that so I proceeded with the full induction.
It appeared that Nina spent her lifetime at the bottom of the ocean. We couldn’t establish what she has been but we know she wasn’t able to move or go anywhere and she also couldn’t see what she was but she was very comfortable. It could have been that she has been experiencing herself just as a solid rock.

A: What can you see as you come off the cloud?

N: I see only black clouds. It’s very dark. I don’t see anything, it’s just black.
I moved her through the darkness and suggested that she moves through a window…
N: It’s like a tunnel. I can’t see anything. It’s just dark.
I move her further through the darkness and let her imagine she’s diving through the water and towards the surface. As soon as I mentioned water she confirmed that she is, in fact, in the water.
A: Are you swimming to the surface now?
N: It still feels like I’m under the water.
I give her suggestions that she can still move and breathe under the water..
N: I don’t feel cold. I feel comfortable.
N: The water is very deep where I am. I want to stay here. I’m all the way at the bottom looking upwards. It’s just water around me. It’s just blue and dark. I don’t feel anything. I just am. I’m in the ocean. I’m not part of the water, I’m just me.

 A: And do you feel physically?
N: My head is very heavy and I have a headache.
I give her suggestions that headache sometimes means that we are receiving information that we need, that we can use later.
N: It feels like a pressure from both sides.
I give her suggestions that she will keep receiving information that she needs that will help her later in her life. I introduce Violet Flame to her and ask her if she would like to be healed by Violet Flame. She said yes. I continued to invoke Violet Flame and asked for transformation and healing of her entire body and mind. I also give instructions that the healing will continue every night, as she is asleep and also that she will be more connected to her subconscious mind and get all the answers by connecting and following her intuition. 
N: I feel tingling in my body; in my hands, in my feet and my bottom part.
I give her instructions how to get herself into this same state of relaxation and healing in the future and I ask her if she is ready to come out of the trance. She confirmed.
Sometimes it’s difficult for some people to see and visualize but that doesn’t mean they do not have the experience or receive what they need to receive, including healing of the body.
Nina has notified me few weeks later when she went for her regular cancer test that she is clear. Today, after two years since this session, she is still clear of cancer. She’s happy and most grateful.

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