Friday, September 18, 2015

QHHT session with Aldona - life as an African Masai, Appearance of Mary Magdalene, Higher Self replaces cartliage in spine and knee

Aldona is a Polish lady whom I’ve met in Southampton, UK during the Reiki class. We gelled immediately as if we always knew each other. She is an enlightened soul who is fully awake and ready to walk her purpose here on Earth. I offered her a session out of my own curiosity as I was still in the learning process of QHHT. She has also given me her permition to write about her personal life in a bit more detail then I normally would.

She had a cleaning company at the time and worked very hard to be able to pay the bills and support the children. She has two teenagers from her previous marriage to a Polish man and a little boy with her English partner in UK. She wants to stop working so hard for money and concentrate on developing her own healing skills and abilities and also to have time to just enjoy life without financial stress.
Just as I suspected, she went deep down, very quickly and easily. She was shown many interesting lifetimes and there is something to learn from each one of them.
As she was coming off the cloud, I asked what does she see below her.

ALDONA: I see a long grass. It’s green but it’s not soft; it’s very coarse. There’s one tree over there, it’s like a Savannah. There are a lot of bushes; I’m hidden in the bushes. The ground is very hot and dry. My feet are black (laughing)! I’m a bushman (laughing)! I’m a Masai; the tall people in Africa (she realizes)! I’m wearing some kind of colors; red and gold. I feel dizzy (sigh). Everything is spinning but I don’t know why. I’m alone here. I’ve got a wooden sphere in my hand. I’m wearing a fabric, like a potato sack brown-grey.  Fabric is just around me; around my waist.  I have something colorful, like a necklace, around my neck. I have a band around my head, made of rope. It’s very colorful, with some feathers on the end. It’s red, white and gold, just like around my neck. I feel dizzy like I’m in a hammock and someone is pushing it (she complains again). I’m hunting for rabbits in the bushes. There’s some kind of a big animal next to me. It’s a friend; it’s a lion! The lion is teaching me how to hunt. I feel that I don’t want to kill anything, but I need to do it to survive. I killed the rabbit and I don’t know if I’m going to eat it. I’m taking it to the village. Lion is staying behind. It’s dark in the village; it’s in the middle of bushes so you can’t see it very well. It’s still very hot and warm.
A woman is greeting me and I give her the rabbit; she bowed to me. She is going to prepare the rabbit in a soup; a big pot. Everyone is preparing the food. I’m not involved with them; they are carrying on. There are some old people there and I’m with them. There’s a strange looking one. He’s got white eyes. He’s like a shaman or somebody. His name is Vasai. He’s teaching me how to cure people. He’s using some kind of herbs but not only herbs. I can see bones. He’s polishing those bones to a square shape and putting some kind of signs on them. There’s more then one.   He’s drying them and spitting on them (laugh). He will use them to see and read from them how to see the illnesses. He’s showing me how to do it; he’s teaching me. I know how to make my own now already. It feels good to learn this. There are plenty of people but they are not in the tent. There’s just one more man in there, I don’t know who he is. He’s writing things down for me. He’s an assistant of the shaman. I’m excited to learn these things. I’m just making my bones now; I’m shaping them. I will keep them in my little black bag.

This is where I normally move the client forward to an important day so the story can reveal and we can get more important details about that lifetime but as I gave her the instructions to move forward, she jumped into another lifetime. This is something we call “leapfrogging” and it’s normal. The guides are showing the client more then one life as they carry importance for them to see and learn from them. 
ALDONA: I see an empty space. There is somebody but I can’t see very well. I’m looking at somebody who is dead. My body feels tense. I’m alive but this person in front of me isn’t. He’s not moving. He’s got feathers in his hair. It’s a male. He’s a spirit. He’s appearing and disappearing. He’s got lovely hair; tied together at the back. He’s Native American. I’m not in a village anymore; I’m on top of the mountains so I can see everything. Tho mountains are sandy. They are not really mountains; they are hills. The soil is very dry and orange here. I’m touching it. He’s showing me something, I don’t know what. Where are you (she’s asking him)? I can’t see him now. He was pointing at something on the horizon. The horses are in that direction; wild horses. They are running! They are so far… They are coming to me now (laughing). I’m touching them now. They are calm. They know me but I don’t know them. They missed me. They are showing me something; a soldier. This person is dead in the grass. He’s wearing green dirty uniform, his skin is white and he’s got blond hair. The horses showed me this picture when I asked them why are they missing me. He was an army soldier but not really a soldier. He was doing something with them in the army but he was not fighting. He was a doctor! This was me; I was this soldier. There are plenty of horses there. I don’t feel like riding them. It’s very warm and dry.

Because she didn’t feel that she was in the body of the soldier but looking at the scene from the distance I wanted to investigate and find out who is it that is observing what the horses are showing them, so I asked her to look at her body and tell me what is she wearing. 

ALDONA: I can see the dress. I’m wearing a grey dress with blue and white apron. My hair is chestnut colour and nicely tied; it’s brown with some gold. The horses are not here anymore. I can see the kitchen around me. It’s big; huge! Everything is hanging around; spoons, pans.. There are 6 or 7 children here. They are not mine. My sister (in present lifetime) is one of those children. It looks like her! The children are sitting at the table and I’m preparing food for them. My sister is naughty and doesn’t want to sit down; she wants to help.

I moved her forward until after the dinner.

ALDONA: There’s a woman; she just came in. She’s my aunty; she doesn’t live here. I don’t mind her coming but I don’t like it when she just comes in. She’s keeps checking everything; this is how she is. Checking if everything is clean and if the children are washed. I think it’s quite funny.
I move her forward to another important day but she doesn’t go into another life scene; Mary Magdalene appears to her.

ALDONA: There’s a person standing in the light. I can’t see properly; it’s beaming from her. I’m not sure who she is; I will have to ask her. She’s somebody holly, from church pictures. The name I hear is Maria Magdalena. She’s caring about me; what ever I ask for, she will bring in the physical. It looks like she is my Guide. It’s just this light (amazed).. Her message to me is: “Pray and don’t worry, everything will be fine”. I can see her hands; she’s putting her hands on my head. She’s giving me love. Oh it’s so lovely… I’m saying thank you to her and she’s saying back: “Just remember that you are loved”.

Mary Magdalene didn’t give us any other messages for now. She just stated her constant presence and I gave Aldona instructions to find another time and another space.

ALDONA: I can’t see, somebody just smashed my left eye. He doesn’t want me to see. It’s an ugly man. He’s got mustache. He’s hit me because he doesn’t like me, he says. Because I saw and know everything. He knows that I know and see things. I’m not afraid of him. I’m just going to leave him; he’s afraid of me. It’s happening in an old house. I’m a child and this is my father. “You’re not my son,” he’s telling me. He doesn’t like me. My mother is gone; she’s dead. He wanted to kill me. I’m 6 years old. He killed my mother, that’s what I saw a second ago. He killed her because I wasn’t his son. He knew I’m not his son but he couldn’t resist anymore. He wants to kill me too. He wan’t kill me, he can’t do it. He is too small; his spirit is too small. I look into his eyes and he can’t kill me. I'm more powerful then he is. He’s leaving now. I’m just going to wait until somebody comes. 

Moving her forward until somebody comes…

ALDONA: I’m in the hospital. I’m not going to survive. He’s beaten me badly. He couldn’t finish me. They don’t know that it was him who’s done this. I couldn’t speak. It’s not important; he’s dead as well. He killed himself right after. He’s a father figure but he’s not my real father. I’m feeling good dying. I’m floating above the boy’s body.

I have finally caught her on a spiritual side to be able to ask for the lesson and the purpose of the lifetime we are watching.

ALDONA: To forgive; I have forgiven him. I had to to let go, forgive and forget, and move on. It’s not important to fight at all; no need to fight. I’m somewhere in the light. I can sense others but I can’t see them. It feels like home. It’s just a beautiful feeling in the clouds, light, bright, nice and warm. Next time I’m going to teach them discipline. I’m going to teach bad people, how not to be bad.

ME: Could you maybe go into the Hall of Light and tell me what’s it like in there?

ALDONA: What is that? They are laughing at me and saying: “Why are you asking; you know it”! There’s a light tunnel, almost like in the fire station. A hole in the ground but it’s light. Here they are choosing whom you are going to be. But you have a choice really, and then you just slide down like a missile. I chose mine and I’m waiting in the queue. Everybody is going. There I go!!! I’m in the hospital getting born. I’m a girl! “I am back; I will show you!” It was nice in the womb but I could hear everything about this horrible world. I heard arguments and a lot of talking. My mother was always talking. My mother’s name is Urszula; it’s my mom in this life!

I didn’t want her to go into the present life so I’ve taken her back into the light and asked her to choose a different lifetime.

ALDONA: I see clouds. I’m in the balloon or an airplane; something in the sky. I’m standing and operating something. I’m standing in the basket. Oh it is a balloon. I’m alone in there and I’m a male. I’m going exploring. I’ve got food, knife and other supplies. The weather is nice. I see a sky and the ocean. I’m enjoying this. I landed on the beach; there are strange people all around and they are trying to scare me. They are afraid; they’ve never seen a balloon before. They look big like rugby players (laughing)! They are big and harry, dark skin; black but painted in white paint. It’s so hot here (sighing). It looks like New Zealand but nobody named it yet. I’m going to name it! It’s should be New Sea Land and not New Zealand. My name is something that ends in …pacho… Karapacho. I think I'm Spanish or Italian. They are still scared of me but they can see I’m alone and not scary. They are touching me; I have white skin. I’m just smiling at them and showing signs (laughing). They are drawing something on the sand; letters but I don’t understand. I just got into their village. They are carrying my balloon with us (laughing). One young man is showing me all the birds. I'm a visitor, they like me. 

As I moved her forward to discover more details, she leapfrogs into another lifetime again.

ALDONA: I see a sword. It’s huge. There’s a big Knight holding a sword. It’s bigger than me. It’s right in front of my way, blocking me. He’s holding me back. He’s a giant comparing to me. He doesn’t want to let me in the castle. “It’s not your time to go there, go back, you are too small” he says. I just want to get in between his legs and get through. He threatens with a serious face but he laughs inside of him. I’m curious; it’s some kind of a meeting. He’s letting me through just to make me happy; he’s a good soul. There’s some kind of a meeting and it sounds very serious. There are twelve people in the meeting. They are talking and they don’t know I’m in here; they are too busy. I look like a squirrel; something little. I’m ginger or orange in color. I can hear them but I can’t understand them. I don’t know the language. They are Silver Knights. I can’t see their faces. They are gathered around the table and just talk, talk, talk. They’ve got something on the table. They are so tight next to each other, I can’t see. It’s a drawing of the stars, of the sky, of the constellation. They are getting ready for something. I’m afraid to ask them, they are big. “Time is coming, time is coming”, they keep saying. They are analyzing what’s going on. It’s not preparing for the battle but it’s almost as important.” It’s time to get ready for changes”, they say. “The God is coming and everything will change”, they say. They can’t change it; they will just get ready. The year is 1200. Noooo that can’t be… Knights at that time (asking suspiciously)?

We couldn’t get any more information so I moved her forward and she goes into the spiritual realm again.

ALDONA: It’s just like a sky. I feel very light. I’m calm. I’m a spirit. I’m alone there but I feel free. I’m just moving but where ever I want to. I just want to stay there.

This was the perfect time to call in the Subconscious / Higher Self and ask all the questions on her list that she brought with her.

ME: Why did you show her all these lifetimes?

HIGHER SELF: They are important. She knows what is important about them. She is important. She is needed to cure and teach. That’s her life purpose. She can just look at people. She has a current job where she is seeing people; they need her. She is there listening to them; they feel pleased that they’ve got somebody there to listen to them. She needs to listen, learn and teach. She is healing them by listening and talking, and by energy. She brings energy to them. She almost shines but she doesn’t see it. People can see it. She will see it as she keeps talking to people; they will keep telling her and she will realize it.

ME: Why does she have to work so hard?

HIGHER SELF: To learn; it’s all about how hard you make it for yourself. She works too much. She needs to stop doing that. She needs to relax and enjoy. She needs to stop worrying and caring about people that don’t matter.  

ME: She needs the money to support the children. How will she be able to that if she works less?

HIGHER SELF: The money will come, she never had problems with money.

ME: She feels like she’s going in circles. Is that necessary?

HIGHER SELF: Yes, just to the point that she will break loose. She will realize it is pointless going around and around. She needs it now to grow but she will stop soon. She will be happy. Her business exists because of her. It will stop when she stops; it will collapse. The business is there because she is there. She is listening to her thoughts now and she is realizing that it’s not important. What ever she does, it will grow her. What ever she decides will be good. She will meet important people.

ME: Can you tell us more about her and Howard (her partner)?

HIGHER SELF: She and Howard met before, in another life; they were a happy family. They were a couple then and now they came again. They are twin souls. They will not have any more children. Their little boy can see things and it is obvious to him that these things are real. He doesn’t talk about them now but he will teach more about them later.

I ask if any of the people they were showing us through the lifetimes today, are any in her present life.

HIGHER SELF: Her ex husband is the man who killed her as a child in the life we were showing her. He came in as her first husband who was and is giving her a lot of grief. He hasn’t progressed spiritually yet and he will not in this lifetime. He needs to work out his karma and it seems that he’s not doing a very good job. He was supposed to learn from her in this lifetime but he hasn’t and their soul contract is finished. Their daughter still has a soul contract with him, she will teach him and he will learn from her. She is safe to do so.

I ask more clarity about her brother Marek who has a psychological disorder, to tell us why has he turned up that way and if we can get healing for him today.

HIGHER SELF: There’s nothing wrong with him. It is for the people around him and not for him. People need to learn from him; they can’t treat it. They have to learn to be patient. Not everything must be their way. He was using drugs to kill the connection with higher power. He doesn’t have a connection with people anymore, but he has a connection with the higher power. Just let him be who he is; it’s part of his contract. He’s been chosen by God to come in like this. He’s teaching the people around him; the family. I can try and help him. I will connect so he doesn’t feel lonely. I’m connecting with him now; he’s allowing it. He’s going to feel good. He will know he’s not alone. He’ll become calmer and happier. He will not become normal again but he will be able to connect by himself. Everybody can connect with him in this way; close your eyes and connect. “Finally somebody has found a way”, he says. He knows it’s Aldona that has connected to him now. The channel is open now and he will be able to connect to her any time. He can connect to anybody in this way. He will talk about this experience to their mother. He will let her know.

I ask for healing..

HIGHER SELF: Would you really want to fix him? He is very precious like this. The lesson to parents is to be flexible; everything is God sent. I can make it easier for the mother to accept this. They can all connect on a mental and spiritual level like this.

ME: Where does his soul come from? Who is he?
HIGHER SELF: He’s an angel.

ME: Did they have past lives together?

HIGHER SELF: Wait, I’m looking… He is her teacher. He’s helping her to understand. They shared a lifetime before. He is the Native American guide who was guiding her; it is he. He is her teacher in this lifetime. She’s learning from him and she is the one who understands him the most.

I asked some personal questions about her parents and her sister and also if they shared previous lifetimes together.

HIGHER SELF: Her present father shared a lifetime where they used to be brother and sister; she was the brother and he was the sister. We didn’t show it to her today. Her mother and her were best friends as men in one of their previous lives. Her sister was the naughty child around the table in the life we showed her today.

ME: Aldona would like to connect consciously to the Source. Can you help her?

HIGHER SELF: Yes, she will see.

She had questions about the spirits she used to see as a child and still sees today. She particularly asked about the man who was hiding in her wardrobe, for example.

HIGHER SELF: He was hiding. He took the ring to pay for something. He took his mother’s ring. He was aware that Aldona could see him. He was hiding because somebody was coming to get him. He wasn’t aware that he was a spirit. But he is in the light now, he’s OK. The other spirits she sees are her family. She needs the connection with them; they are helping her with everything that she needs. They are helping her doing things that she’s not able to do.

ME: How many guides does Aldona have?

HIGHER SELF: She’s got two guides. One is an angel and one is a male. Male is the main guide; he’s been with her since birth. One more guide will come in, to guide her find a new life so she can live the way she wants to. Angel is helping her not to feel lonely. The angel is here now.. I’m feeling so hot (she states).

ME: Does Maria Magdalena come often?

HIGHER SELF: Only when she needs her to help heal. She’s a powerful healer.

ME: Can we call upon her now and ask her to heal Aldona’s back?

HIGHER SELF: Yes, she’s here now. She’s healing her right now with her hands. There’s something missing from Aldona’s back; a cartilage. I can fix that for her now. I’m doing it with energy. I’m rebuilding a cartilage with energy. It’s in her lower back. It happened by carrying heavy stuff. I’m fixing this, right here and now. This also causes the sciatica. I’m healing this as well in the same way.

ME: Can I carry on asking questions while you are healing the body? (Yes). There’s a knock on Aldona’s door every day between 11:30 and 12 o’clock. Who’s coming in?

HIGHER SELF: Her guide. He knocks because she wants him to knock to let her know that he’s there. She can hear him talking in her head. She can also hear his voice through music. She will start seeing and hearing us clearly in the next year She’s developing and we are helping her. She will be helping other people. She needs to do meditation, meditation, and meditation. She is good at Reiki and she will heal people.

I ask for a body scan to see if there is anything else that needs healing, adjusting or balancing.

HIGHER SELF: The head is full of thoughts, thoughts, and thoughts…. Cut the thoughts! I’m cutting them out. There are too many thoughts.
Speak more for yourself. Don’t keep anything for yourself; just say it. Don’t worry about what people will say.
The heart is tired. I’m making it slower; it’s too fast. I’m balancing it now.
Knees.. Something is overgrowing on her left knee; a cartilage. It’s overgrowing because of running. It’s not too bad, just painful. I need to put this in the right place. I’m just shaping the cartilage. I’m almost done with it; it’s almost healed now. I’m finished!
Spine needs a little bit more work. Im’ making her whole spine stronger and I’m taking the tension out. I’m done! She will notice the difference straight away.
Her head needs opening up. I’m cutting the thoughts; she doesn’t need them. They are thoughts of worry. She needs space in her brain for the light, meditation and connection. I’m sweeping them now.

ME: Will it help her if we invite Violet Flame into her head? (Yes). How can we do that?

HIGHER SELF: Can you help?

ME: Yes I can. Can I do it now? (Yes)

So I call in the ascended master St. Germain and I ask him to send Violet Flame into her body (pause).

ME: Is he responding? (Aha). Is he here? (Yes).

I ask and direct Violet Flame into all her four bodies (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) and I still do quite a bit of talking and suggesting for transformation and transmutation. I also thank him for coming in and helping us here today.

ME: Is he responding to my request?
HIGHER SELF: Good luck, he says.

ME: Whom is he saying that? (To you)! Why to me? Why is he saying good luck to me? (Because you’re going on the mission). He knows I’m going? (Yes). Is he going to be with me? (Of course!). Can I use him and Violet Flame this way in QHHT sessions to help people? (Yes). Thank you very much.

I ask for any last messages for Aldona that were not asked in our questions.

HIGHER SELF: Enjoy! Take care of the animals, they are very important. She can communicate with animals already.

Here I ask some personal questions for myself as Aldona has given me the permition before we started the session.

ME: Who’s the spirit we’ve got in this flat?

HIGHER SELF: She was living here and she died in here. She likes it here. She has found the light but she likes to come here. She’s aware of you and Colin. She likes you but she doesn’t like him. She is like you.

Colin is my ex who wasn’t ready to accept what I was doing and he was protesting by refusing my help to heal him. He has developed arthritis in his whole spine, his neck and knees. At first he agreed to have QHHT sessions but he kept trying to prove that it is not working. He is also a type of a person who talks a lot about the same things over and over, and doesn’t like silence. One night he had a very fearful experience where he felt that somebody is sitting on top of him and choking him. He was out of breath and got really scared. He said that he was kicking around in the bed with his feet in order to wake me up, as he knew that it would go away then. I remember waking up and being annoyed asking him to stop kicking and he said it was gone as soon as I said that.

ME: Who was the spirit that was choking Colin while he was asleep that night?

HIGHER SELF: It wasn’t her; it’s his fear. He’s not ready for this journey. Oh I can see the man choking your husband.

ME: Why was he choking him?

HIGHER SELF: To stop Colin from talking. He’s saying: “ Just shut up”! (We’re both laughing). Nobody sent him; he just had enough of him. It is one of Colin’s own family; his guide.

ME: Why does he want him to shut up?

HIGHER SELF: Because Colin is not listening to them. He’s taking the messages but he’s not doing anything; he’s just swallowing them down. That’s why he’s got pain in his body. He’s angry with himself. He will be fine. He will understand later. He’s a typical man. He doesn’t want your help because he wants it his way, not your way. Anybody would leave him.

ME: Tell me about my mission?

HIGHER SELF: You will have more clients like your husband; difficult people. He is teaching you as well.

ME: I knew there was a reason for meeting difficult people in my life (we laugh)! Will I be able to help the difficult ones?

HIGHER SELF: You are! You don’t know about it but you are! They will not necessarily listen to you but inside they will know that this is right. They will melt under you. You are successful.

ME: What about my work and money issues? This work that I love is not bringing me enough income.

HIGHER SELF: Don’t worry about money. There will always be somebody there to help you. This is how you are supposed to work; only do what you love because then it is not work. Only what you love will bring you happiness. (I’m feeling so hot! Big sigh).

ME: Can you tell us who is Aldona’s Soul Group?

HIGHER SELF: She doesn’t need to know that now; she needs to develop first.

ME: What about my soul group?

HIGHER SELF: Mystique! I don’t know; higher, higher power. You already know, you just need a confirmation.

I ask about my back problems and also about my daughters.

HIGHER SELF: You will get your healing tomorrow. Your daughters are powerful ladies! One of your girls will do what you do but in different places. I really need the toilet now!

I was scheduled to see another QHHT practitioner in London the next day and have my own session. I indeed received healing of my spine on that day and never had problems since, unless I lift heavy stuff.

When Aldona woke up her back was soaking wet and she was hot and sweaty. She was amused by this and said: “Oh my God, what happened here”?! She went for her toilet break and came back into the room with a big smile and very happy. She said she remembers being very hot since the start of the session. This was done in a month of November in a small bedroom that didn’t have heaters on and I remember feeling quite cold myself. This happens all the time in the sessions; the healing begins the moment client walks through the door and it lasts for at least 3 days after the session.
I enjoy this work so much as everybody gets some form of healing and also we get answers to all our questions that are relevant at the time. The spirit is always there ready to help and assist us when we ask. The mysteries of time are being revealed, as we are ready to awaken and know the truth. 

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