Quantum Healing for New Earth
New Earth is a state of consciousness that you deem to be your reality.
The ones who see everything as love around them, the ones who see that
everything is light and divine around them are living in a different
state of consciousness than the ones who deem everything to be awful,
traumatic, fearful, worrisome, full of illness and dark energy.
has raised it's vibrations. It's conscesness is vibrating on a higher
frequency now and it's inviting all Humanity to raise it's vibrations
too. Earth will not withstand the lower energies anymore. You are being
given a choice. Do you want to stay or do you want to go? Consciousness
is rising with or without you. Earth, being a living breathing entity is
clearing herself. We are all living breathing energy that can be
cleared as well. It is our choice. If we choose positive, we choose
love, happiness, divine light. If we choose negative, we choose fear,
sickness and death. All of it is by choice.
If we leave by death, we chose it. We
chose to leave. We chose that the energies are too strong for us now. We
chose that the role to go into the New Earth is too much of a task at
hand for us now - that it is too overwhelming for us.And
we will see us leaving by way of disasters, by way of trauma, by way of
tragedy, by way of mass natural disasters. These are ways to clear
energy just like you would clear your home.
You are not being murdered – you are being given a choice. It is very simple.
you want to wake up now and bring in the new consciousness or do you
want to go and be re-placed to somewhere that better fits you?
one truly dies. The ones you see in these Natural Disasters, “Divine
Disasters” - do not fear for them. They are not being hurt. They are
choosing of this. They are bringing forward divine vibration necessary
for this to take place. They can choose what vibration they reside in
from a day-to-day basis. They can only be in that disaster if they match
the vibration of that disaster. They are exactly where they need to be.
They are not dying – they are being relocated. It cannot be any other way. You
cannot bring anything into your existence that you are not a
vibrational match to. If you are a vibrational match to this newer
higher consciousness, you will not bring forward to you death, illness, trauma, sickness, violence – any of the above. It cannot happen.
You will be in a harmonious existence and you will see a different world than that.
can choose to be in any reality you want to be in, at any time of your
life. If you choose to live in fear, you will live in fear. You will
live in a low energy and that is what you will create now in your
reality. That is your choice and
that is the choice that humanity has made at this time. Humanity will
not be wiped out. Humanity can be wiped out. We do not see that
happening. We choose life. We choose love. We choose for us to live
in our existences full of joy without violence, without killing each
other, creating a wonderful place – a physical place for us to live on,
when we are inhabiting these bodies and creating a place –
a harmonious place for future incarnations on our planet.
Live in Love, Light and Gratitude!